Evershine Care
Where compassionate care shines through
Evershine Care Nutrition
At Evershine Care, we believe in providing the best nutritional options for our clients. We also believe that to offer the best options, we must empower our clients to make positive food choices. Our dedication to teaching and encouraging healthy eating is unparalleled. Our residents are encouraged to make choices that benefit their health.
Residents are encouraged to learn about the foods they choose and to get involved in the growing process. It gives our clients a sense of pride and independence to plant and care for their garden and see the fruits of their labor.
Evershine Kitchen
Equipping clients with the ongoing skills and resources that help them develop positive skills around eating and accessing food is a primary goal of our nutrition program. Clients are encouraged to make choices that positively impact diabetes management and any other health goal. We encourage you to check out what our residents have been doing and contact Evershine Care with any questions about referring a client for services.
4844 Calle Bella Ave
Las Cruces, NM 88012
Tel. (575) 382-5973
Fax (575) 541-3635
By appointment only